Stress-Free Vacation Prep for Online Service Providers.


One of the biggest perks of running your own business? Unlimited days off. The downside of running your own business? Figuring out how to take a vacation and truly unplug without worrying about coming back to a bunch of fires.

I won’t lie, it’s hard to step away for more than three days without a little (or a lot) of anxiety creeping in, but we’re not robots—we need rest. It’s essential to avoid burnout and not go insane.

But before you go into vacay mode, there are things you can do to put your business on cruise control while you sip margs by the pool.


How to Enjoy a Vacation as an Online Service Provider Without Worrying About Work


🤗 Prepare Your Clients

At least one month before taking time off, let your clients know.

Set expectations of when they are getting their deliverables, what projects will be paused, who they can contact while you’re away (if you have a team), how they can access things, etc.

This lets them know that you won’t be up and leaving them without a plan. 

🚫 Update Your Scheduler

This one gets overlooked a lot. Make sure you block off your calendar so that no one can book calls on the days that you are OOO. I would even give yourself a couple of days once you’re back so that you have time to catch up on all.the.things.

How to take time off and prepare for vacation as a small business owner.

📬 Canned Emails & OOO Responder

First up, emails. Because the only notifications you should be receiving on your phone while on vacation are when your Uber is nearby (and maybe some paid invoice notifications because who doesn’t like making money while sunbathing?).

  • Out-of-Office Auto Responder: Set this baby up so everyone knows you’re out living your best life and will get back to them when you return. Leave links to where they can find information in the meantime.

  • Slack Status Update: Have you used this AIM-style away message? They’re so much fun! Let your team and clients know that you’re unavailable and when you’ll be responding to messages. Here’s a little tutorial on how to set them up.

    While you’re in Slack, turn off notifications.

🧚🏼 Workflows

Next, let’s talk about workflows. Automations are like the fairy godmothers of your business—they keep everything running smoothly so that you don’t have to stress over every step of lead in-take, onboarding, or project management.

A few days before you leave, do a quick audit on your workflows to make sure everything is set up correctly and something I like doing too is duplicating a workflow for “vacation mode.” That way the emails that go out include the OOO dates and set expectations without having to go in and edit a regular workflow.  Does that make sense? If it doesn’t email me and I’ll walk you through what I mean.

Here are the workflows to set-up or check:

  • New Client Onboarding: Automate your onboarding process so new clients feel the love even when you’re not around.

  • Lead Automation: Make sure potential clients get all the deets they need while you’re away.

  • Invoicing: Set up automatic invoicing because no one wants to forget to get paid.

👯‍♀️ Delegate

Have a team? Perfect! Time to hand off some of that workload. 

Assign tasks ahead of time. Your team’s got this! Be clear about what needs to be done and let them shine.


Taking time off is crucial, friend. 🖤 Your mental health and happiness are everything. By using these tips, you can enjoy your summer without stressing about your business. Remember, you deserve this break. 

Cheers to a relaxing, stress-free summer! 🍹

Digital Marketing Tech and Content Creator. Krystle Straub

Hi, I’m Krystle. Techie & Content Writer

If you’re a power-house CEO stressed out with trying to do all of the things alone, you’ve made it to the right place.

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